The system
$ is:
Solution: The system is not time-invariant
due to the time-varying coefficient $(3t)$.
Test 2.2
The system
$ is:
Solution: This is a linear
constant-coefficient differential equation (LCCDE), so the system is
Test 2.3
Which of the following is a significant property of LTI systems?
Solution: All of these properties.
Test 2.4
The response of an RC circuit with RC $=2$ s to a rectangular
pulse of duration 1 $\mu$s and height $10^6$ V for $t>1 \mu$s is:
Solution: From Eq. (2.17), the impulse
response is
$ The short pulse acts as an impulse with area
$(10^6)1 \mu{\rm s}=1$ V-s.
Test 2.5
$\to y(t)=$?
Solution: From entry #6 of Table 2-1,
So $y(t)=(u(t)-u(t-1))-(u(t-1)-u(t-2))$
The system subtracts off the input delayed by 1 second from the
Test 2.6
The step response of an LTI system is triangle $y_{\rm
step}(t)=r(t)-2r(t-1)+r(t-2)$. Its impulse response $h(t)$ is
Solution: From Eq. (2.22), $h(t)=dy_{\rm
step}/dt$. From Eq. (1.18), $dr/dt=u(t)$.
Test 2.7
$\to$? (Initial
conditions are zero.)
Solution: $y(t)=h(t)*x(t)$. Compute this
directly or use entry #3 in Table 2-2.
Test 2.8
$\to$? (Initial
conditions are zero.)
Solution: $y(t)=h(t)*x(t)$. Compute this
directly or use entry #4 in Table 2-2.
Test 2.9
$\to$? (Initial conditions
are zero.)
Solution: $y(t)=h(t)*x(t)$. Compute this
directly or use entries #5 and #9 in Table 2-1. Then
$ Then delay this by 1.
Test 2.10
An LTI system with impulse response $h(t)=e^{j3t}\;u(t)$ is best
described as
Solution: An LTI system with impulse
response $h(t)=e^{(\alpha+j\beta)t}\;u(t)$ is BIBO stable if and only
if $\alpha<0$. Here $\alpha=0$, so the system is marginally
stable. See Section 2-6.4.
Test 2.11
The response of an uncharged RC circuit with RC=1s to input
$\sqrt{2}\cos(t)$ is:
Solution: From Eq. (2.106), the frequency
response function is ${\bf H} (\omega)=1/(j\omega+1)$. Here $\omega=1$
(from $\sqrt{2}\cos(t)$), so
{\bf H} (1)=\frac{1}{1+j1}=\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}e^{j45^\circ }}.
$ The $\sqrt{2}$ factors cancel.
Test 2.12
(Initial conditions are zero.)
Solution: From Eq. (2.114), the frequency
response function is ${\bf H}(\omega)=\frac{j\omega-1}{j\omega+1}$. Here
$\omega=1$ (from $x(t)$), so
{\bf H} (1)=\frac{j-1}{j+1}=\frac{\sqrt{2}e^{j135^\circ
}}{\sqrt{2}e^{j45^\circ }}=e^{j90^\circ }.
$ $\cos(t+90^\circ )=-\sin(t)$.
Solution: From Eq. (2.114), the frequency
response function is
{\bf H}(\omega)=\frac{6}{(j\omega)^2+3(j\omega)+4}.
$ Here $\omega=2$ (from $x(t)$), so
{\bf H}(2)=\frac{6}{-4+j6+4}=\frac{1}{j}=e^{-j90^\circ}.
$ $\cos(2t-90^\circ )=\sin(2t)$.
Solution: From Eq. (2.114), the frequency
response function is
{\bf H}(\omega)=\frac{2(j\omega)}{(j\omega)^2+2(j\omega)+9}.
$ Since the numerator is pure imaginary, the denominator must also be
pure imaginary to make ${\bf H} (\omega)$ real-valued. This requires that
$\omega=\pm3$, and ${\bf H} (\pm3)=1$, so $y(t)=x(t)$.
Test 2.15
The ride of a car driving over a pothole is smoothest when its
suspension is:
$\displaystyle {\bf H} (\omega) = \frac{1}{j\omega+1}, $
$\displaystyle {\bf H}(0) = \frac{1}{0+1}=1. $
A constant is a 0-Hz sinusoid.
Test 2.19
$ is critically damped for what value of $c$?
From Eq. (2.123), the
characteristic equation is ${\bf s}^2+c{\bf s}+4=0$. The roots
$ are equal if $c=\pm 4$. But $c=-4$ makes
the system unstable. Hence the only viable solution is $c=4$.
Test 2.20
The impulse response of a system described by an LCCDE consists
Solution: If the LCCDE is overdamped, the
response has form A. If underdamped, it has form B. If critically
damped, it has form C. So any one of these is possible.